Saturday, 14 September 2013

building on module one and leading on into module two

I am starting to become more aware of my professional network and other networks around me;  the different tools and skills that I may need to utilize them, in order to become more successful. Understanding the game theory has also helped, understanding that strengthening a team, helping others move forward, I will start to become more successful and reach the next level.

On Monday I am starting an after school club! I have been wanting to start this club for a long time. Originally I was going to call it Gifted and Talented, which I believe I mentioned in my Learning Journey. However after taking a group of year 5 Gifted and Talented children to a science day at a secondary school. I realized that many of the children in year 3 would have enjoyed and would have been very able, although it may not have been academically on paper. Furthermore by limiting the club I was limiting creativity and different skills from coming together. After listening to ideas from my son and Deputy Head, I have decided to call  it Creativity. Creativity will bring a broad range of creativity that will lead to enterprise and different digital media platforms 

In addition I also want to give purpose to learning and bring a broad range of creativity to a primary school, including looking at a primary school as a whole and the movable jigsaw pieces within it! Where it fits into the community and the networks it has already has? Building on elements of the ways we learn and interact from module one. I am starting to have several questions run through my head that will lead on to my professional inquiry and Artefact.

I will start blogging the questions after 30th September 2013, before this I will update previous blog entries.

I left work on Friday with a smile, after I saw a parent's eyes light up when she spoke about my club!