Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Task 4a Continued

I am leaning towards the question below for my inquiry although it may need tweaking and extending. Going to ask the question to different professionals etc... and hopefully get some feed back from Alan. I like the question because I can bleed it into different directions leading to sub-heading and questions, pumping the heart to develop my practice. This is something that interest me and will lead in the direction I want to go.

How does the nature of creativity effect the performance in Primary Education?

I have also started to ask Primary Education Professionals, 'what does creativity mean within the Big Picture?' ...

What is the different between structured creativity and non-structured creativity? What are the pros and cons?  What would be the affects on behaviour and attitude?...

Where within Primary Education is creativity limited or abundant? Why is it limit or abundant? What are the affects?

Where are we in terms of creativity in the curriculum? What is the Policy insight?What in real terms is the creativity and how is it applied within in different subjects?

How has the nature of creativity revolved and how has this effected thinking skills?  How has creativity been extended to include digital media and ICT in a Primary school? What could you class as Creativity sub-subjects within Primary Education?

Develop creativity questions in relation to - interaction and communication between schools - interaction between staff and staff development - wall and displays - SENS - social development - Data the final performance.

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