Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Getting into Module 3 to be continued

Starting to get into module 3, my senses are starting to come alive and my intuition is kicking in and giving me some guidance. I feel things are going to come together. My confidence has grown somewhat throughout the last couple of modules and I am starting to believe in myself more.

My reflection journal has become my soul mate as well as allowing me to take control of my emotions, helping me move forward it has also helped me to break things down and see things from a different perspective.  I feel I have learnt a lot of life skills throughout the last two modules.

(reflect on previous modules)

I have started to organize my afterschool projects for my inquiry and have sent out parent letters, which have also been checked by the gate keeper. The projects will start after half-term. I have arranged the resources needed for one of the projects and am currently sorting the software I will use for the other project. I plan to create the observation grids I will use for the projects either later today or tomorrow and code my journal ready for analysing. These projects are more guided than my previous projects, the reason for this, is because I hope to improve the quality of the learning and creativity used as well as the engagement. The projects will last for 6 weeks, one hour per week and will end just before the Easter Holidays, allowing time for deeper analysis. (reference and explain inquiry and some reference from Alan - note to me)

I also would like to be able create a bounce effect of my delivery/planning of the lesson of controlled answers and questions, although the questioning will naturally come for the student. This could help open a discussion if needed when ideas and engagement is limited. (reference Teacher - note to me)

Understanding the complexity of the structure within Graphic Design and how this relates to teaching, learning and education. (understanding the flexibility within a grid - note to me) What are structures of education? Where are the structures? E.G the 'National Curriculum' is a structure, The school day is a structure etc... Policy is a structure etc...

I am also in the process of developing my questionnaire for Head Teachers and plan to send it out during next week. I will write up my summary and send it to Alan over the next few days.

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