Sunday, 9 March 2014

Inquiry Tools and research, brief update

Both after school projects have started well and I have started to send out Questionnaires to Head Teacher's.

Below is a blank Observation grid that I am currently using for the after school projects. The grid is focusing on my delivery and planning, so I am indirectly observing myself, making me the main participant. (update - link analysis) I am also using my reflection journal. I will have 12 of these completed by the end of the after school projects. Six for each project.


The questionnaire is a little creative so I have taken an element of risk. At the moment I have sent it out with a formal cover letter, introducing myself, explaining about my inquiry, ethics and where the information would be going. I am currently focusing on my borough, but may extended to other boroughs or schools that run IPC depending on response. I also may send a less formal follow up or even as direct mail. The biggest problem I feel I may have to begin with is getting pass the admin staff and getting the Head Teacher to read it. However it is early days, and I have already received some responses.  I would like about 20 to 25 respond responds make to give me a good sample of data, so I am prepared to expand the focus group to teachers if needed.

(add example of questionnaire)

In addition, I have started to focus my literature reviews in line with my development and the area I would like to specialise in Primary Education. These will also support my inquiry/projects and primary research.

Having looked at the new National Curriculum more and IPC (projects), I realised my project/inquiry will be a platform to which I will continue to build on and develop. I personally like the new National curriculum and the IPC Projects, I think the creativity within it is suits my skills and creativity. But as a result of flicking through some of the IPC projects, I think some of the IPC projects may need updating to meet the demands of the new computer curriculum. However I will have to have better look at the IPC projects.  I think my skills are nearly there to meet the computer curriculum, however it has made me aware of what computer skills I may need to develop and learn.

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